Wednesday, May 28, 2008


In my school we have these competions were everyone has tio read at least 5 books on a chosen list to participate. Most of the books are boring to me but their were a couple of good ones. Like Side Effects by Amy Koss is about a smart aleck girl named Isabella who gets lymphona cancer and is Hodgkin's disease. She loves to draw and always with Paper Mate pens and spiral note books. She like any girl obsesses over a boy in her class called Jared and gets her heart broken when he starts to go out with Amanda a girl who trys to cheer Isabella up by making her a video full of laugh therapy. It really is just a tasteless video that makes fun of cancer. Read this book it's short but I love the humor and the charisma in Isabella.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" ~Ernest Gaines
Really... this is actually true unless of course your are being murdered because then i wouldn't be thinking of guns... but if people want to marry the same sex then what's the big deal? why should we even care about who marries who when there are government officials people in Menymar who are refusfusing to let aid form foriegn countries... China which suffered the earthquake...
Sometimes i really hate the makes me so mad that the solution to these problems are sttaring people in the face and yet they do nothing because of protocol...

The Mentawai tribe of Indonesia file their teeth into sharp points.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Have you ever noticed that the world has a beat that continues? It's more of a pulse than an actual beat but it is there. sometimes when i go outside i notice that it is more pronounced there then in the city or near other people. I wonder why that is. Is it because of the natural order of things that it just falls into that beat of life that keeps going on?

The longest recorded flight for a flying squirrel is 2.5 miles

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Sanity is Madness put to good use

The brain continues to send electrical waves up to 37 hours after death.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Poli means many and even though the spelling isn't right ticks are blood sucking parasites so politicians are many parasites who suck our money instead of blood!

Quote "I believe in looking reality staight in the eye and denying it."
Garrison Keillor


During most of earth's history, the North and South Poles had no ice

Monday, May 5, 2008

Literary Names

My literary name would be...

*drum roll*

Stephenie Shadow Cullen

Try It!!! Great fun my sister says

go to...

bye ^_^

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Love and War

Love is like a War...
Easy to Start...
Hard to End...
And Unable to Forget...

The Milky Way takes about 2000,000,000 yars to make one revolution

Saturday, May 3, 2008


What if nothing exists and we’re all in somebody’s dream? We all have no standing except in their mind and they control us. Almost like a God game. the game where everyone is controlled by the person playing. I think that the people who create the god games only do that so they have a security in their world. Like they want to control the people in the game so they can have them do what they want. People who need something like that make me sick. I mean it is their own fault that the are so insecure in the world.


More of you brain is used to control your thumb than your stomach


What happens when we kill someone? does the reason matter? I would like to believe that we suffer by taking on some of the pain in the world. Does the life matter? is the life of a bug the same as the life of a human or other animal? what if it was? What if every living thing on earth had an equal cost of a life? What is the cost of a life? Does it matter how you live your life? as a, lack of a better word, good or bad person? is that a defining characteristic or does it not matter?

The Pizza Hut that gets the most buissness in the world is in Paris, France

Human Stupidity

I can say safely that I hate the Human Race. I would say that all the humans should go and die but I know that I would never be able to do that and go die. The truth is most of us actually know the value of a life. And the cost of it. We should all be grateful for what we have not try and further it by making money or getting the coolest stuff that we can. I mean for those of you who watch the news at night know that people are some of the stupidest things in the world. Why do people murder or lie or... You probally know where i am going with this but anyway. SOme of the stupidest things in the world were invented and used wrongly. Let me paint a picture of an Ideal world concerning humans. Guns should only be issused for the army and even then if we abolish wars then all guns will be stripped of use for metal and other useful substances. No more drugs would mean that hospitals could use morphine or anything. Along with guns no other weapons like bombs or anything. See all the flaws in our world Do you see what I mean nothing is perfect so what we depend on now will eventually doom the world. Sorry to be so pessimistic but i really believe that the world would be better off without it.
American Idiot by Greenday inspired this
During the Great Depression 44% of banks failed.