Wednesday, April 30, 2008


"Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement of something more impotant than fear. The brave do not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all"
-Meg Cabot
The one thing that i am afraid of is nothingness. Not the nothing meaning that i'm afraid of nothing like being totally fearless or whatever. But just the felling of being in Nothingness. Almost like being trapped in a dark room that has no walls that you can feel. Everybody has a stimulus that freaks them out in some way. something but I guess it could also be described as lonelyness in a way. But mostly the feeling of being worthless and being in a place where I know nobody that i don't even know. Ia also have claustrophobia which is great at school during practice lockdowns where we all have to huddle together. Yeah always great fun for the one afraid of small places. Also my one other fear is spiders probally my one "normal fear" seeeing as my last fear is yellow cars.
Someone once said to do one thing that scares you everyday. I think that it was eleanor roosevelt

Excuse me while I go and freak myself out "_"

Peolpe with blue eyes are all mutated from the same gene


What is imagination? is it just a place to escape when we have troubles or is it an actual place that we visit in our minds? do we all have our brains wired a little differently but does that affect our perception on life like a pessimist or a optimist? i think that your mind is your only safe haven for yourself to travel in. Like if you just got emotionally hurt then you would be able to escape into that place of your making.

In 1981 Bill Grabsy rode a lawn mower from maine to california

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Imagination is the only weapon we have in the war against reality.

Out of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World only the Great Pyramids remain
The other 6 are
The Temple of Artemis
The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon
The Maussoleum at Halicarnassus
The Great Pharos Lighthouse
The Colossus of Rhodes
Statue of Zeus


You know how you think that the one thing in life that will never run out is water because of the water cycle? Here is an experiment to show that you are seriously deluded. I mean even i was surprised and a little bit overwhelmed at the results. You will need 4 different graduated cylinders, one 250 and 3 others with lower measurments in them. Take the 250 graduated cylinder and fill it to the 250 mark. Congragulations you now have all the water in the world salt and fresh water! Pour out 30 mil into a second graduated cylinder. That represents all the fresh water in the world. 3% of the earth's water is fresh. From the fresh water pour out 1 mil of water into another cylinder. That all the glacier water. pour out another 1 mil that is the polluted and water that we can't reach because it is underground. That leaves all of the earth to survive on 1% of the earth's water. Something for you to ponder.

It takes you 0.3 seconds to blink

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So today i'm in school. Computer class. Last night we had a talk my family and I about the goverment and the money the government prints out. it seems that since we are in the war in Iraq then we willo be paying off the debt for like ever. The trillions and trillions of dollars that we are in debt will just keep piling up because the goverment keeps on makinjg money to pay the people. All that money gone down the drain never to come back and help the economy. I think it's pretty sad because America doesn't own anything that we make or produce. we get everthing else from other countries like china where people are paid $.5 an hour to make things that we use because we as a country consume and we want. I belive that we will have another Black Friday and we will go into another great depression.

By the end of WWII 33% of U.S currency was counterfeit

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Reasons For Begining a Blog

So... hello to whoever is reading this right now! I decided to start this blog because i wanted to be listened to. I'm not the most social person in the world and one of my best friends in the world... well let's just say that we are kind of drifting apart you could say. So most of the time i just drift through school except for at lunch were i have to be social. All my really good friends are all on different teams(how my school is split up red team, blue team, purple team etc.)I do have friends though. The only problem is i can't talk to them and tell them about myself. It feels better to write it down. After that heart to heart with people i don't even know...I also can't really talk about politics people think i'm weird. :) Also i think i have too much information inside me so everyday i am going to write down one factual piece of information that i have hoarded away.

Random Bit Of Info (RBOI)
Princess Diana's favorite band was Duran